Man this transfer has gone by
fast. It has been so much fun. Well here goes the email.
Baptism: We combined with 2
other branches for the baptism and we had 16 people total baptized this last Saturday. We were able to baptize Josephine who is in her 20's and is timid but such a sweet woman. It was a very spiritual experience and one
of our investigators Ibraham who is a school teacher came to the baptism
and really loved it. He knows it is the correct way to baptize and now he is
reading his Book of Mormon which like never happens here and he also wants us
to start teaching his family so he can come into the gospel with his whole
Work: Man we cannot stay still
because we have SOO many people to teach right now. It's so hard to decide who
to focus on because they all want to hear the gospel. I'm loving the work.
Hardships: We have only had
water for one day in the past week and so that makes it really hard to do
anything. We manage because we have a few barrels of storage water but still I
miss running water. Other than that everything is just normal.
Funny stuff: So the sister
missionaries in our branch got mad at us for not really spending time with them
and we are like well we have too many people to see and we need to work. But whatever I'm
enjoying life here. Also we had some extra time so we talked to this drunk guy
who was just quoting random stuff. To defend him drinking he was like "go
to John 1:19-23" which talks about John the Baptist and he was like
"So you see...God Is a Spirit." It didn't make any sense and it was
I'm loving it here so much and
my companion Elder Allen T. and I are such good friends. He lives on a Native
American reservation in South Dakota and I love hearing his stories about the
people there. He is such a hard worker and a good example for me. I want us
to stay together for another transfer which I think will happen.
Love you so much
Elder Christian Lehr
District Conference - 3/17/14
Man this week has been sweet
and has gone by so crazy fast. I guess I'll just start organizing
Apartment: So the Kanzlers
should be finishing up the paper work so we can escape the dungeon. Though as
for blessings here we have gotten a new water pump so I can
actually drink clean water really easy :) because drinking out of the
filter water bottle really stinks. I swear that thing dehydrates you
because you have to suck so hard to get water. So that's a nice blessing.
And Mama J the old Lebanese woman who has the hookups with everything is
so awesome. She got me some nice mangoes and bananas and soda and
everything. She is just awesome. Hard things though in this apartment is
that we have had no water at all quite a few days of the week and
I'm getting bitten by bedbugs in the night. But whatever it's not
that bad.
Cool What the? Moment: So on Saturday it rained which is crazy since this is March the hottest
month in dry season and it's supposed to be dry with no clouds in
the sky all the time. It was nice to get rain but then it got super humid
and nasty. But still rain is nice.
Miracles: So we have found a girl named Fanta who is
an awesome young lady who just came to her church with her children. We found
out that she is married to a return missionary who is currently working in
Makeni. She said she wants to know about the church so that she can have her
family unified and she loves the church so far. Oh and the church she went to
was the United Methodist Church and her reverend was Reverend Moses, one
of our investigators. Which leads to the next miracle.
So Moses came to the conference and met with President
Ostler, the district president and others. He is reading the Book of Mormon and
believes it's true. After teaching him the restoration he said "you guys
almost have me won over. All this so far is true" which is so sweet. I
pray that he will progress.
And Hewbert is doing awesome
and is sharing the gospel to his twin brother Habert. He couldn't come to
church because he stepped on a nail and had to go to the hospital so yeah. But
he is still awesome. And Victoria one of our recent converts is bringing
all of her friends in and is still just being awesome.
Conference: man District Conference
was crazy. It was so overflowing that we had to put chairs outside. And even
then there were about 200 people just sitting outside on the ground to listen
to the conference. My guess is there were about 1500 people there in the kissy
chapel. It was so awesome. And we have reactivated 2 less active women here.
Sad News: So we were supposed
to have 4 people baptized on the 22nd but only 1 is ready. So the others
still progress hopefully but still one more beloved soul brought unto
Super Pday/fun stuff: So today
is super p-day and we watched Prince of Egypt which was fun. Of course I had to
sing along :) And the other night we decided to get charcoal and draw ourselves
facial hair which was so much fun. I dressed up as a pirate and I'll send pictures
next week. I just forgot my SD card today.
So that's this week. Still
loving the mangoes, pineapples, and bananas, still living with bed bugs and
cockroaches and no water. Still living with awesome African people. And still
living the gospel with light in my eyes :)
Love Elder Christian Lehr
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Sister Kanzler got a nice shot of Elder Lehr & Elder Allen T. at District Conference |
More Adventures in Kissy - 3/10/14
Man this week has been really
News: So first I will start with some great announcements. First we found a new
apartment that is SOOO much nicer than this dungeon. And I found out that yes
this is the original Kissy "dungeon". You know where the handle for the
bathroom falls off when you touch it so you get locked in the bathroom.Well
anyway we have a new apartment that we will probably move into in like 3
months. In the meantime we will endure. Also there is this awesome old Lebanese
woman named Mama J. She pretty much has the hookups for anything we could want
here. So that's just awesome. Oh and mom I've gotten tired of sweetened
condensed milk and bread so I made myself peanut butter again and eat
that with bananas for now which is soo much better.
Awesome referrals: So our recent
convert Victoria has given us literally like 6 referrals that are all
awesome and she actually brings them to everything. Their names are Tita, Lucy,
Mohommed, Paul, Stella, and Fanta and then also a while back there were 2 girls
named Adama and Kadijatu that contacted us at first just wanting our
number but they know Victoria and her friends so they all came to church. Man
soon we will be baptizing an entire Laurels class. And one branch missionary
gave us a referral named Aboss. Man that is probably the coolest name ever. Its
just like "Aboss" haha.
Cool Miracle: So there is this
investigator named Hewbert who the missionaries have been teaching forever and
he would not keep commitments so we were about to drop him but just like Joseph
Sandi we didn't for some reason and now suddenly Hewbert has been keeping
commitments like crazy and loves the Book of Mormon and really wants to get
baptized. So sweet.
The Activity: So we had a branch
activity where we watched the Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration
movie and then we would pause it sometimes and explain it in Krio. Then
after the activity they had a huge dancing party and we left at that part
because dancing is something that is probably not something a
missionary should do. Though I really wanted to dance and show them wassup with
the wassup. Anyway the activity was great and we had like 40 people show
up which was awesome. The spirit was great there as well.
Funny stuff: So thankfully we
found a new apartment because this one has like no privacy. We were just
cooking dinner when we see this lady who is high out of her mind just standing
in the door way and we tried to find out what was going on and she was like
trying to sleep in our apartment or something and so brought her to the
bottom floor to others and locked our door. Man things can be crazy here.
Food: Man I have to say I love
mangoes. Here we found some GIANT mangoes that are the size of a pineapple so
we call them MAN-goes. And oh they are sooo delicious and the pineapple here is
dirt cheap and just so good.
Ok last thing I want to say is that finding referrals are
ridiculous here. For example we have a referral at number 28 Kissy Road and on
that road there is no order and there are like 5 different 28 Kissy Road all
over Kissy Road and there are old numbers and new numbers and pretty much
everything is a mess and it's impossible to find referrals here. Unless the
spirit leads you to the person and they show you where they live which happens
quite a bit here which is awesome.
Man I love this area. Living in this "dungeon" is worth it for
these people.
Love you all so much
Love Elder Christian Lehr
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Elder Allen & Elder Lehr at the "activity" (Thanks to Sis. Kanzler for the "snap") |
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"Giant MAN-goes" put the mangoes we find at home to shame. Featuring: Elder Lehr, Elder Crandall, Elder Simmons, Elder Koopmans, Elder Chemhuru and Elder Allen T. (picture courtesy of Elder Crandall) |
Kissy - 3/3/14
Man this week has been crazy.
So to answer a few questions I don't know if this apartment is the
"original" Kissy "dungeon". I know that this apartment is super old and
it actually was where the branch met back forever ago and that it has been used
by missionaries for years. Actually the apartment isn't that bad I guess. I
mean I LOVE the breeze that comes in here and I mean we have been blessed with
electricity for the most part. We still only sometimes have water but its
better then some of the others here. The other apartments are a little nicer
but they haven't had water for the past like 3 weeks. Really the biggest
problem here is the cockroaches but I have given up trying to kill them. I mean
there are about 60 living in the area book and about 400 living in our kitchen
door. Let's just say that I am kinda scared of the dark here because when the
light goes out the cockroaches come out and we have to dance across the floor
so that they don't crawl up our legs. But that's life. I mean the area is sooooo
sweet. I love it here. And honestly looking at it here there are actually a lot
more spiritual challenges here than physical. I mean honestly the physical challenges
aren't too bad. I mean I'm alive right? So I'll talk about the week now.
So Victoria got baptized
on Saturday. We combined with our whole zone so we had like 10 people baptized
in our zone last week. Victoria is soooo sweet. She really wants to go on a
mission and she brought her cousin to her baptism and also brought 2 friends to
church. She is really smart.
Small on Wednesday (day of
miracles) honestly this day was sooooo packed with miracles that I won't be
able to write them all so I already wrote a letter to mom with more details.
Pretty much none of our plans went through so we looked for some apartments and
found some decent options. And while we were out we had about 8 people contact
us looking for the gospel which will lead to more miracles. And also a sweet
less active member contacted us and she gave us a referral and we are getting
her back into the fold. Also while we were walking a lady recognized us as men
of God so she asked us for a blessing even though she wasn't a member. So I
gave her a blessing. This is just small of the miracles that happened. The next
day however was harder.
Thursday: So mountain day which
is actually really fun. So we were teaching this lady on the mountain and when
we were done there were some ladies that asked us to come teach them so we came
and they were all pretty much naked and just wanted us as boyfriends so we gave
them a pamphlet and ran out of there. Uhhhh thats a big problem here is all of
the nudity. So just messed up. And then we were teaching a sweet guy and his
family and then some Evangelist from the Born Again church came and was just dissing
the Book of Mormon and spitting on me and he didn't even believe in the Old Testament so we just pretty much bore our testimony and let him go. That guy
totally disrupted the spirit. So lame.
Miracles on Sunday: So we are
teaching this man named Jabrila and his family and he is sooo interested in the
church he came this Sunday and next week he wants to bring his whole family. He
is such a sweet man who is looking for the truth. And also on Wednesday there
was a Reverend who contacted us and so we invited him
to come to church and he came and even bore his testimony since it was Fast Sunday. It was so funny he came and was like "Can I get a
hallelujah!" and then he bore a humble testimony about Christ and he said
that he really liked our church and he even wants to retire from being a
reverend and join us. He is a sweet man.
Oh and as for food. Bread and
sweetened condensed milk is actually a lot better than dry milk. If you just
add water to the sweetened condensed milk it tastes a lot more like milk than
dry milk. And there is no place to buy food here. No supermarket or anything.
Though there is a place called Amigos which is awesome. It sells cheap
ice-cream but hey it's ice cream. Haha funny thing so our freezer doesn't work
and we got chicken to go with our rice and well I think the chicken was a
bit spoiled. We cooked it well but it tasted like fish which is not supposed to
happen. So I only took one bite. But at least I have ice cream :) and grass
rice and rice.. haha
But it's sweet here. I love my
companion and my roommates. And I love the area. Satan can't get me down that
easily. I'm sure that if I get tired of bread and milk I will just survive off
of universe juice since I am the dragon warrior. So yeah.
Well love you all sooo much
have a great week.
Love Elder Christian Lehr
Oh Kissy! - 2/24/14
So this week has been crazy. So I guess I'll go a little day by day. Or at least tell Tuesday.
Tues: We were supposed to be
picked up to go to Freetown at like 12 pm and we got picked up at 4:30 pm. Then we were about to leave to Freetown (which is a 5hr drive) at 7 pm when the
car broke down. So we there were like 10 stranded missionaries and so the
Assistants took us to the couples apartment to spend the night
So now in Kissy... The Kissy
apartment is the 2nd worst apartment in the mission second only to the Sewa
Road apartment (aka the Dungeon) where I started my mission. The apartment is
on the upper floor of an apartment complex and it is INFESTED with cockroaches. I
have never seen so many cockroaches in my life. We can't keep any food out for
the night because the cockroaches will get into it. We opened up one of our
area books and literally like 60 cockroaches sprung out. Ugh so nasty. Though
this place is still better than Sewa Road (my first apartment) I mean at least
the cockroaches are the tiny ones instead of the 4 inch ones. And there aren't
rats here or old rat's blood stained on the floor. And there aren't any giant
spiders here the size of my face. But I kinda would prefer the giant spiders.
We also don't have any fans and if we are lucky we get water. We have to hand
pump water into the filter.
Well on the bright note there is an AWESOME breeze that
comes in all the time. And we have such a great view of the mountains around
us. The Branch is sweet. My companion is an
awesome leader and really really cares for each person. There are 6 Elders in
my apartment right now. Elder Koopmans, Elder Simmons, An Elder from Zimbabwe (Elder Chemhuru),
Elder Crandall, And Elder Allen and I. Man Elder Simmons is sooo good
at baking. He made 2 apple pies for us to celebrate him, Elder Koopmans, and
Elder Allen being 6 months on mission.
Mountains: Thankfully our main
area is in the city and only on Thursdays we climb the mountain. Because man
these mountains are brutal. Climbing all day everyday would be sooo exhausting.
But they are beautiful, sooo green. Though Freetown is pretty crumby. Everyone
lives in metal shacks pretty much and there is so much trash on the floor and it smells pretty bad here. There is also nothing to buy. I just have bread with
sweetened condensed milk for breakfast everyday.
Also with the apartment it is
super noisy and there like 5 dogs right outside our apartment that bark ALL
night. Especially at like 3 in the morning and then there are 2 Mosques near us
so they chant at like 4 in the morning so sleeping is pretty hard. Well one
good thing is that with the nice breeze here it keeps away mosquitoes so I don't
really have to worry about malaria too much.
Sweet Miracles: So the branch
mission leader Moses gave us some sweet referrals. They are 2 awesome families
that have real intent to learn about the truth. With one of the families, their daughter recently died so the father has been
really wondering about God and where she is. So we taught a bit the Plan of
Salvation and I could see hope coming into his eyes. Such a sweet miracle. Life
isn't easy here but the Lord is with me.
Earlier I thought that this was probably either the hardest mission in the world or one of them but now I have been humbled. I cannot say that this is the hardest because I have not experienced any other mission. Every mission has their trials and hardships. This one is just very physically demanding while others might be more spiritually demanding. All in all this is the Lord's work and it does not matter the fact that I served here. What matters is that I served and that I served with all my heart might mind and strength.
Earlier I thought that this was probably either the hardest mission in the world or one of them but now I have been humbled. I cannot say that this is the hardest because I have not experienced any other mission. Every mission has their trials and hardships. This one is just very physically demanding while others might be more spiritually demanding. All in all this is the Lord's work and it does not matter the fact that I served here. What matters is that I served and that I served with all my heart might mind and strength.
Love you all so much.
Elder Christian Lehr
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