Monday, November 10, 2014

Fun jazz (and a surprise text) - 11/10/14

We got the sweetest surprise text from a member of the Many ward last week. Sister Leone and her son saw the elders walking and invited them to eat lunch with them. They look pretty happy about that. :) Her message with the picture was: "Thanks for sharing your sons with us." Warms Mom and Dad's hearts. I'm sure that Elder Sabey's family was very pleased to get the text as well.

So basically Many is exploding in awesomeness. We have had quite a few miracles this week.

Investigators: So we saw Dickie and had a great lesson with him and taught him the plan of salvation and his son joined in and was really interested. So we came back later in the week and taught his son and he accepted a baptism date! so cool. Then on Saturday we played Ghetto ball again and we taught Mickie's son. He was super interested and really wants to learn more. So cool stuff. 

Less Actives: It was pretty cool how at church there were another 2 less active families that came and then there was another couple who came who said they hadn't been to church in 32 years. And we didn't do too much about that they just came. Also on the way to email here we get a call from Bro. Barber who is a legit Lamanite who served a mission but recently went less active. But he called us and we will see him later this week. And Jimmy Carter came as well. 

Hacking's: Well we saw the Hackings and that was really fun. I Love my blanket. That blanket is like my best friend. I am happy. So that's that. Thanks for the suitcase :) (Elder Hacking's family drove to Louisiana to pick him up since he had completed his 2 year mission. They took some stuff to Elder Lehr for us while they were in Many to see where Elder Hacking had served for so long.  One of the things that Elder Lehr asked for was his blanket from home. "Linus" is a happy camper now that he has his blanket to keep him cozy. hehe)

Focuses: One thing that we are gonna try doing here is focusing on family history as a finding idea. I figure that even if people here don't join the church. If they do family history it will help them a lot.

Miracle McDonalds:  We went to see Nate the guy who works there and gave him a Book of Mormon and encouraged him to read it. 

Truck of awesome: So we got a new truck that really makes me happy :) It's a 2015 Nissan Frontier. It is sooo much fun and comfortable. It has a USB slot so we can listen to all the music on our USB's in the truck. It's dark blue and I guess all I can say is it makes me happy. Oh and I got my temporary license so it worked to get my license back :) I just gotta wait for the real one to come. (His driver license got left behind at the mission home in Sierra Leone since the office couldn't locate it at the time of the evacuation from the country.  So after a lot of work he is finally getting a duplicate license from Utah.)

Well that's this week
Love Elder Lehr

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